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Everyone PLEASE Shine on. With @damienhorne and his song shine. So pertinent right now. We are being asked to seclude to mitigate this virus. However, this should not prevent us from shining! Keep shining, you are worthed, your light is alive it is indispensable & invaluable. Shine it on your family, partner, friends, use ur gifts of love, wisdom, education, art, to bless with those you are quarantined with and share what you have, even if to just tell them how much you care and love them. Share stories or events from your past together. If you are alone call those close to you, no text, do it old hear their voice, bless them with yours. Shine on them brothers & sisters... shine on! #coviddividesmusicunites #coviddevidesartunites #makethemostofyourtime #shine #shineon #shineonyourlovedonce #shineonastramger

Un post condiviso da Pino Squillace (@pinosquillace) in data:

Pino Squillace Well we made the news on a major publication in Italy, all the way from my backyard with our solidarity jam, with Scott Jones, Paul Gordon, Damien Horne. So great! This truly means a lot to me. It's a short article but I'm grateful & honored. it's where I'm from, where I grew up & my family still lives. Thank you Paolo Teruzzi for sharing this. I think is what brought it to the attention of the media. A presto. Translation; Solidarity from Nashville for Italy & particularly to San Damiano & Sant'Alpino (where I grew up) from musician Pino Squillace, last Saturday with his artist friends they performed fr his backyard "Covid 19 hits everybody in the same way, he explained on Social media. With this concert we wanna share our solidarity through music, which has no boundaries or prejudice we are all connected..."Pino is a great percussionist" explains the towns comity. Pino is the brother of Max Squillace the unforgettable sculptor & one of our own.